Monday, 9 April 2018

Zakat –The Charity that benefits you and the poor alike

One of the most important teachings in Islam is that all things belong to Allah and that we come from Him and shall one day return to Him. Our life is transient and wealth is a blessing from Him; it does not follow us in the afterlife. Islam preaches altruism. Muslims are told not to hoard wealth and to abstain from greed. The word “charity”is mentioned 32 times in the Qu’ran as a constant reminder of the importance of giving.

“The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of God is like a seed [of grain] which grows seven spikes; in each spike is a hundred grains. And God multiplies [His reward] for whom He wills. And God is all-Encompassing and all- Knowing.”

(Qu’ran 2:261)

As the Quranic verse states, when one spends his/her wealth in the way of Allah there is no decrease in wealth but, indeed, Allah gives much, much more to replace it.

Five Pillars of Islam and Zakat
The Five Pillars of Islam are Shahadah, Salah, Sawm, Zakat & Hajj. By adhering to the Five Pillars, Muslims demonstrate that they are putting their faith first, and not just trying to fit it in around their worldly lives.

Zakat is the third pillar of Islam. It is compulsory on all Muslims and is levied on savings, not income, at the rate of 2 .5%. This money is either directly given to the poor or to Muslim charitable organizations

Benefits of Zakat
“Take from their wealth so that you might purify and sanctify them”(Qur’an 9:103)

The word Zakat means ‘purification’ and “growth’. By giving a percentage of our wealth, we purify our hearts and our possessions of the taint of greed and nurture spiritual growth as we offer thanks to Allah for all His bounties. This is how the giver of Zakat benefits.

Zakat funds given to the poor help to ease their lot in life. The basic amenities that we take for granted: food, shelter, clothing, healthcare and education are usually beyond the reach of the poor. But Zakat helps millions of families acquire these basic necessities. Whole societies can be lifted out of the miseries of deprivation and guided along the path to better lives with the Zakat funds.

Zakat furthers the concept of unity and brotherhood among Muslims. The socio-economic balance is maintained between the classes of society. Circulation of wealth continues from the rich to the poor and does not remain in a few hands only. This distribution of wealth helps to overcome poverty and other social ailments from our society. Poverty alleviation and social equality become possible.

So do not let the opportunity to give Zakat be lost. Give and give generously. And remember Behbud Association, Karachi as the premier organization which merits your Zakat.